
A FinSec View – Markets, SOFY, US Elections and More…

July 2nd, 2024|

28th June 2024 Market Update Another RBA meeting, another month of rates on hold at 4.35%. This remains unchanged for six months. Governor Bullock has expressed concern about potential upside risks to inflation and reserved the right for further rate hikes. So...No reprieve for mortgage holders just yet. Our view remains unchanged: a policy rate of 4.35% is [...]

A FinSec View – The Budget, Markets, Aged Pension & More…

June 3rd, 2024|

31st May 2024 Federal Budget '24: Soothing Inflation Instead of Fighting it? Australian Federal Budgets rarely make anyone happy. Something about the media hype 48 hours or so around Budget night seems to infect broader Australia with the grumps as everyone makes hay piling in on the Treasurer and his economic plan. Economist Chris Richardson, writing in the AFR, confessed [...]

A FinSec View – Markets, Unemployment rates, Tax reforms & More…

April 26th, 2024|

24th April 2024 Market Overview Just when we were getting used to the idea of markets looking ahead into a recovery, April has seen a reality check. Having rallied by 17% since October a combination of an escalation in the Middle East and the realisation by markets that rates might be higher for longer, saw the calendar year’s [...]

A FinSec View – GDP, Liquidity Risk, Retirees & More…

March 20th, 2024|

15th March 2024 Glass half-full approach as we see some silver linings When Treasurer Jim Chalmers took to the media lectern to welcome December quarter GDP figures showing the very slimmest of growth (0.2 per cent), he embodied the true definition of a “glass half-full” kind of person. “Even weak growth is welcome growth in the circumstances,” Treasurer [...]

A FinSec View – Markets, Currency Risks and More…

February 19th, 2024|

16th February 2024 Will the Year of the Dragon spell good luck for the Australian economy? Just when we thought it was far too late to be wishing you a Happy New Year... we welcome the Chinese Year of the Dragon. In Chinese culture, the Dragon holds a significant place as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, unparallelled in [...]

A FinSec View – Markets, Rates, Cyber Scams & more…

December 20th, 2023|

15th December 2023 Yes, Virginia, there is a rate pause (and possible Fed cuts coming into view) Dear readers, it’s that time of year again, when we put the finishing touches on December and pause to reflect not only on the past 12 months but turn our minds to all the possibilities a New Year brings. There’s no [...]

A FinSec View – Markets, Wealth Wisdom, Retirees’ Super and more…..

November 20th, 2023|

17th November 2023Market UpdateChristmas may be around the corner, but it’s been hard to escape the depressing reality of the news cycle in recent weeks.The war between Israel and Hamas is stoking growing fears of a wider Middle East conflict and far-reaching impacts on energy and food markets, global trade and geopolitical relationships.These fears, understandably, are casting a dark [...]

A FinSec View – Markets, Wealth Wisdom, Protecting your nest egg and more…

September 19th, 2023|

15th September 2023 Navigating by the stars under cloudy skies - Jackson Hole’s inflation forecast The majestic Grand Teton mountain range in Wyoming, US, provided a striking backdrop for the high-profile annual Jackson Hole economic retreat last month, with financial markets watching the event as closely as the area’s native hawks. The annual get-together of top central bankers [...]

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